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Chickens for Africa - Results are in!


It has been great to watch as entries have come in for the Chickens for Africa photographic competition. We are now pleased to announce the winners.

First prize goes to Laetitia Stroesser who only recently came to Malawi to work with one of our partner organisations, the Basic Services Development Agency (BASEDA). The photo of a community based vaccinator working with village chickens, captures the light-hearted Malawi spirit.


Second prize goes to Juan Pablo Villanueva Cabezas from the University of Melbourne with a splendid shot of an "Ayam Kampung" (village chicken) in Bali, Indonesia.


Third prize goes to 12 year old Marla Kohl from Queensland who has shared with us her delights in breeding bantams in her backyard.

Our sincere thanks to all who participated and donated for this competition. We are looking forward to next year's event.

Pat Boland

7 August 2018

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