Our Board of Trustees

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The Board of Trustees is the overall governing body for the Rural Poultry Centre. The Board currently comprises the following persons:

Professor Timothy Gondwe (Chairperson)
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda Campus

Mrs Judith Kanyama Chikoti
Chitedze Research Station - Livestock Research

Dr Gilson Njunga
Deputy Director, Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development

Assoc Prof Liveness Banda
Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Bunda Campus

Mr Isaac Kazanga
Proprieter, Ndatani Feeds

Mrs Mazganga Mhone
Principal Livestock Development Officer, Department of Animal Health and Livestock Development

Dr Marvin Phonera
Livestock Disease Evaluation Unit, Central Veterinary Laboratory.

Dr Pat Boland
Secretary to the Board

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