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RPC awarded grant from GRM Communities 1st program
(May 2014)


The news that RPC has been successful in gaining support through the GRM Communities 1st program has given a significant boost to the organisation. The grant will enable RPC to undertake a program to support poultry farmers in Ntchisi District over the next two years. RPC will undertake the project on behalf of the Kyeema Foundation with which it has significant collaborative ties.

The Ntchisi program will target at least 2,400 rural families covering an estimated 15,000 rural poultry. It will establish 30 village based poultry technicians at 15 locations throughout the district. By working directly with communities, sustainability of the program is assured. Each technician lives and works in their home area.


Through collaboration with SSLLP and sharing resources in this program, RPC will achieve significant efficiencies in conducting the program. The program is expected to lead to increased production of village poultry in targeted villages, with decreased losses of village poultry from diseases, especially Newcastle disease. It is also expected to lead to increased incomes and improved nutrition through increased sales and consumption of poultry meat and eggs.

We at RPC are delighted with the outcome. We are looking forward to implementing this project and increasing our impact in Malawi.

Pat Boland, 17 May 2014.


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