Terms and Conditions for "Chickens for Africa" 2018

"Chickens for Africa" is a joint fund-raising photographic competition open to anyone. It has been set up in support of the Rural Poultry Centre in Malawi and the Kyeema Foundation which works in several African countries.

The competition closes on Saturday 30 June 2018. Submissions received after that date will not be considered for this competition.

There will be two categories, one for professional photographers and another for amateurs.

The top three entrants in each category (as well as donors of $50 or more) will receive a nominal prize consisting of a set of blank greeting cards featuring the winning photos.

To be eligible for consideration, the subject of the photograph must be consistent with the theme of rural or village poultry. It does not have to be in Africa and it does not even have to be of chickens, just consistent with the theme. Manually created graphics or photographs of paintings are eligible.

Entrants may submit up to a maximum of three photographs but only one may be included in the winning three entries mentioned below. Criteria for evaluation will include visual aesthetic value, composition, technical excellence, artistic merit, and impact in the context of rural poultry development.

All entries must be in digital format with a maximum file size of 6 megabytes per photograph.

Photographs by staff or board members of Kyeema or RPC, the Judging Panel, or their immediate family members, may be submitted but are not eligible for prizes.

Kyeema and RPC will appoint a three person Judging Panel to evaluate the merits of eligible entries. The Judging Panel will consist of persons each with demonstrable experience in photography, art, and/or rural poultry development. All decisions of the Judging Panel are final. Kyeema, RPC and the Judging Panel will not enter into any discussions or correspondence regarding any decision in relation to the final decision. No feedback will be provided on unsuccessful entries.

Photographs with identifiable people (including children) in the photograph will be accepted only if they are accompanied by appropriate releases from the individuals depicted (or parent/guardian) and copies of the signed release(s) are provided to Kyeema or RPC. A sample release statement might be:

"I agree to having my picture taken for photographic or video use, and I understand that the image may be used in any document or publication, or on the internet or social media for educational and informational purposes. I grant permission to publish my image. Name:...... Signature:...... Date:......"

By submitting any photograph and participating in this competition, you agree that:

  1. The submitted photograph is your own original work and does not infringe any copyright or intellectual property rights of any other person or entity.
  2. The submitted photograph may be published from time to time on the web site of Kyeema and/or RPC or in their respective publications with or without editing and adjustments to suit their purposes, free of any charge, royalty or obligation.

Previously published material for which non-exclusive rights were granted may be entered as long as you still hold right to grant Kyeema and RPC a license to reproduce and publish the material. By submitting your photograph in accordance with these conditions, you grant Kyeema and RPC a license to reproduce and publish the photograph.

Submit a photograph.

What is TWS?

A quarter million chickens
and counting...

An old story now
but one of our best.
